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Uncover the Secrets of Bestselling Author Deb Baker: A Deep Dive into her Writing Process 

 January 23, 2023

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Deb Baker, a bestselling author, is known for her captivating mystery novels and charming characters. Her writing process is intriguing to many aspiring writers and fans alike. Uncovering the secrets of her writing process can provide insight into how she creates her best-selling novels. In this blog post, we will dive deep into Deb Baker’s writing process.

Section 1: Inspiration

Deb Baker’s writing inspiration comes from a variety of sources. She is an avid reader and often gains inspiration from other novels and genres. Additionally, she is an observer of human behavior and finds inspiration from the people around her. Her writing process begins with a spark of an idea that she expands upon until a full story emerges.

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Section 2: Research

For Deb Baker, research is an essential part of her writing process. She believes that research provides the authenticity and credibility that her readers expect from her novels. She immerses herself in the subject matter of her novels and researches extensively, often visiting locations and speaking with experts.

Section 3: Outlining

Before she begins writing, Deb Baker outlines her novels. Outlining allows her to structure her thoughts and create a roadmap for her story. It allows her to ensure that all plot points are tied together cohesively.

Section 4: Writing Schedule

Deb Baker is disciplined with her writing schedule. She sets aside a specific time each day to write and sticks to it. She believes that consistency is the key to finishing a novel. She also sets goals for herself, such as completing a specific number of words per day.

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Section 5: Character Development

Character development is one of Deb Baker’s strengths. She spends time creating complex and likable characters that her readers can relate to. She spends time developing their backstories, personalities and mannerisms. It’s essential for her to know her characters well before she begins writing.

Section 6: Editing

Deb Baker knows that editing is a crucial part of the writing process. She thoroughly reviews her work and constantly edits and refines until she is satisfied that her manuscript is of the highest quality.

Section 7: Collaboration

Deb Baker often collaborates with writing partners, such as her sister, to gain a fresh perspective on her work. Collaboration allows her to see her work from a different angle and expand upon her ideas.

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Section 8: Confidence

Finally, Deb Baker believes that confidence is vital to a writer’s success. She trusts her instincts and knows that not every idea or manuscript will be a winner. She has confidence in her abilities, which allows her to continue to create compelling stories that her readers love.


Deb Baker’s writing process is multi-faceted and thoughtful. Her success in the literary world is a testament to her dedication and hard work. By uncovering the secrets of her writing process, aspiring writers can gain valuable insight into how to create best-selling novels.

FAQs1. How long does it take Deb Baker to write a novel?

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Deb Baker’s novels take an average of six months to complete. However, it’s important to note that each book is unique, and some may take longer to complete.

2. Does Deb Baker ever experience writer’s block?

Yes, Deb Baker experiences writer’s block on occasion. However, she believes that the key to overcoming it is to keep writing. Even if the words aren’t flowing easily, she continues to write until she breaks through the block.

3. How does Deb Baker come up with her book titles?

Book titles for Deb Baker often come to her during the writing process. She looks for titles that encapsulate the essence of the story and intrigue readers.

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4. What advice would Deb Baker give to aspiring writers?

Deb Baker would advise aspiring writers to read often, take writing courses, and to write every day. She also suggests finding a writing partner to collaborate with and to trust your instincts.

5. What sets Deb Baker’s writing process apart?

Deb Baker’s writing process is unique in that she incorporates extensive research, outlines her novels, collaborates with others, and polishes her work through editing. It’s a multi-faceted process that allows her to create compelling, best-selling novels.

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