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“Uncover the Fascinating Life of James Garvey: From Corporate Lawyer to Best-Selling Author” 

 May 26, 2023

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Have you ever heard about James Garvey? He is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating individuals whose story will leave you inspired and amazed. He began his career as a corporate lawyer, but he never gave up on his passion for writing. James didn’t let his career path restrict him, and he followed his heart. His hard work has paid off, and today he is known as a best-selling author. This post will uncover the exciting life of James Garvey and how he transitioned from a lawyer to an author.

From Corporate Lawyer to Author

James Garvey had an accomplished career as a corporate lawyer. He was dedicated and hardworking and had a bright future ahead of him. However, his passion for writing never left him, and he wrote regularly whenever he got the chance. While practicing law, James published his first book titled “The Ethics of Climate Change” in 2008.

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The success of his first book gave him the confidence to continue writing. Garvey quit his job as a lawyer in 2012 and decided to focus entirely on writing. Since then, he has published several best-selling books, with “The Persuaders: The Hidden Industry That Wants to Change Your Mind” being one of the most recognized.

Garvey’s Writing Style

James Garvey is known for his excellent writing style that is not only articulate but also engaging. One of the things that set him apart is his ability to simplify complex topics and make them easy to understand. Garvey’s books focus on topics such as ethics, climate change, and social inequalities. His books are not only informative but also thought-provoking.

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Garvey’s Writing Process

James Garvey believes that consistency is key when it comes to writing. He sets a daily word count quota and sticks to it. Garvey writes for a few hours every day and ensures that he writes at least 1000 words per day. He always carries a notebook to jot down ideas and thoughts. Garvey believes that having a schedule and a routine has helped him to become a successful writer.

Garvey’s Inspiration

James Garvey is inspired by various things in his writing, including real-life experiences. His interest in ethics and philosophy has also contributed to his success as a writer. Garvey is highly influenced by the works of Aristotle, and he often refers to his teachings in his books. He also finds inspiration in the works of other writers and philosophers who have written about their experiences and perspectives.

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Garvey’s Achievements

James Garvey’s hard work and dedication have paid off, and he has achieved significant milestones in his writing career. He has published several best-selling books, including “The Ethics of Climate Change,” “The Persuaders: The Hidden Industry That Wants to Change Your Mind,” “The Story of Philosophy,” and “The 30-Second Philosopher.” He has also written numerous articles for various journals and newspapers, including The New York Times and The Guardian.


Q1) What inspired James Garvey to become a writer?

A1) James Garvey’s passion for writing and his interest in ethical and philosophical topics inspired him to become a writer.

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Q2) What is the most recognized book written by James Garvey?

A2) “The Persuaders: The Hidden Industry That Wants to Change Your Mind” is one of the most recognized books written by James Garvey.

Q3) How often does James Garvey write?

A3) James Garvey writes for a few hours every day and ensures that he writes at least 1000 words per day.

Q4) What is James Garvey’s writing process?

A4) James Garvey sets a daily word count quota and sticks to it. He also carries a notebook to jot down ideas and thoughts.

Q5) What type of topics is James Garvey interested in writing about?

A5) James Garvey is interested in writing about ethical and philosophical topics such as climate change and social inequalities.

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Q6) How many books has James Garvey written?

A6) James Garvey has published several best-selling books, including “The Ethics of Climate Change,” “The Persuaders: The Hidden Industry That Wants to Change Your Mind,” and “The 30-Second Philosopher.”

Q7) What are some newspapers that James Garvey has written articles for?

A7) James Garvey has written articles for various newspapers and journals, including The New York Times and The Guardian.


James Garvey’s life story is a testament to the power of determination and following one’s passion. Despite his successful career as a corporate lawyer, Garvey was not afraid to pursue his dream of becoming a writer. His hard work and dedication are reflected in his numerous best-selling books and articles. His ability to simplify complex topics and make them easy to understand is truly remarkable. James Garvey’s story is a source of inspiration and motivation for anyone looking to follow their dreams. If you have a passion for writing, never give up, and always keep pushing forward.

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