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Muhammad Kusen: The Inspiring Story of a Man Making a Difference 

 February 25, 2023

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Muhammad Kusen is a name that may not be known to many, but his story is one that deserves to be told. Kusen is a young man from Indonesia whose inspiring work in his community has not only impacted the lives of those around him but has also gained recognition on a national level. Despite facing difficult circumstances in his own life, Kusen has dedicated himself to making a difference in the lives of others. Read on to learn more about Muhammad Kusen and his inspiring story.


Muhammad Kusen was born and raised in Central Java, Indonesia. Growing up, Kusen faced many challenges, including health problems and financial struggles within his family. Despite these obstacles, Kusen remained determined to make something of himself and help those around him.

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Kusen’s education played a crucial role in his journey. He attended a local Islamic boarding school, where he learned about the importance of helping others and giving back to the community. His education also instilled in him a sense of discipline and perseverance that he would carry with him throughout his life.

Social Initiatives

After completing his education, Kusen began working on social initiatives in his community. He started by organizing community clean-up projects and delivering packages of necessities to families in need. As his efforts gained more attention, Kusen was able to secure funding to start his own social enterprise, which specializes in recycling waste and creating sustainable products.

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Recognition and Awards

Kusen’s work has not gone unnoticed. He has received several awards and recognition for his entrepreneurship and social initiatives. In 2019, he received the Youth Changemaker award from the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports. In 2020, he was also named one of Forbes Indonesia’s 30 under 30.

Global Impact

Kusen’s work has not only impacted his community but has also gained recognition on a global level. His environmental initiatives have been acknowledged in several international forums, including the United Nations Development Programme.

Challenges Faced

Despite his success, Kusen has faced several challenges along the way. His social enterprise faced difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and he had to come up with innovative ways to continue his work and support his community.

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Future Goals

Kusen has big plans for the future. He wants to expand his enterprise to other parts of Indonesia and create employment opportunities for more people. He also aims to build more sustainable infrastructure and educate more people about the importance of protecting the environment.


Muhammad Kusen is a prime example of how one person can make a significant impact on their community. His story is a testament to the power of education, perseverance, and determination. Kusen’s work has also brought attention to important issues such as sustainability and environmental protection. We can all learn from his example and strive to make a positive change in our own communities.

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Q1: What did Muhammad Kusen learn from his education?

A1: Muhammad Kusen learned about the importance of helping others and giving back to the community. His education also instilled in him a sense of discipline and perseverance.

Q2: What inspired Kusen to start his social enterprise?

A2: Kusen was inspired to start his social enterprise by the community clean-up projects he organized and delivering packages of necessities to families in need.

Q3: What recognition has Kusen received for his work?

A3: Kusen has received several awards and recognition for his entrepreneurship and social initiatives. He was named one of Forbes Indonesia’s 30 under 30 in 2020.

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Q4: What are some challenges Kusen has faced?

A4: Kusen’s social enterprise faced difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He had to come up with innovative ways to continue his work and support his community.

Q5: What are Kusen’s future goals?

A5: Kusen aims to expand his enterprise to other parts of Indonesia, create employment opportunities, and build sustainable infrastructure while educating more people about the importance of protecting the environment.

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